Tell Me You Love Me...
By CamiiOlii
  • Fanfiction


I'm only a 19 year old girl living in a big city. I didn't want to get to know this famous guy, from this international band. He was going through things, I was going through things. And I guess it ended up in this. My dad always told me bad things have consequences. But I didn't know it was a bad thing to fall in love with someone. I didn't know anything about him. But when I met his eyes I just couldn't stay away. I don't know what to do now. I'm just left with this regret, and all of his fans throwing daggers at me for what I did. I guess I was just looking for someone to love, and was attached to the wrong person. I just really wish he'd come back to me, he said we'd be seeing each other again, when everything's fixed. But I don't know what he means by that, and I don't know where to go right now. Please, just....Tell Me You Love Me.

Tell Me You Love Me

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Tell Me Y...
by CamiiOlii