Silver Threads
By suqarcubed
  • Random
  • badboy
  • collumhood
  • divergent
  • harrypotter
  • hungergames
  • lukehemmlings
  • milesteller
  • nailhorran
  • rejectedwerewolf
  • shailennewoodley
  • thebadboy
  • thebadboystole
  • thebadboystolemynotebook
  • theojames
  • thewhitewolf
  • truestory
  • werewolf


The day before it happened was normal, the birds chirped and the little boys mocked the girls who mocked them, the parents were dealing with bills and the kids were at school. Everything was normal until the clock ticked twelve, They hit us were it hurt but taking something we forgotten to appreciate. They took our parents, The adults anyone who hit age thirty disappeared, one after one then it was hundreds then millions then they were all gone, its been four days since the last one left and no one in there damned minds knows what the hell is going on, well everyone except me. They took my family. They took my hope. They took my love, Now their going to take me. Join Silvers adventure as she pulls the pieces together but little does she know it only takes one snip for all her Silver threads to break free. |Cover Credit: ImWithCupid|

Day one, Hour Twenty Three

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Silver Th...
by suqarcubed