1 | The Fighter | T...
By allisonarcher
  • Fanfiction
  • dylanobrien
  • grievers
  • maze
  • minho
  • newt
  • run
  • teresa
  • themazerunner
  • thomas
  • tmr
  • wicked


BOOK ONE IN THE WARRIOR SERIES ••• Odd. That's one word for it. Waking up in a gated box with no memory of who you are, being stuck in the center of a large maze all alone, every month someone new shows up the same way you did, monsters surrounding you... And you're expected to survive without going mad? Sure, the Creators provided the utensils needed to start the teens' civilization there, but that doesn't make it better. The first month, Rachel was stuck in there all alone. The same day next month a loud alarm went off and someone else comes up in the creepy elevator she showed up in. And another the month after. And one more after him. But they're all boys. One girl stuck in a literal maze of guys? As if the loud and huge man-eating creatures blocking the way out wasn't bad enough. How is a girl supposed to get a little respect? Well, she's strong. She's a fighter. She'll figure that out at the same time she finds a way to save her friends. ••• [THE MAZE RUNNER] [PRE THE MAZE RUNNER] [SLIGHT OC/MINHO] [BOOK 1] [COMPLETE]


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1 | The F...
by allisonarcher