Yours, Mine & O...
By teenagechristiangirl
  • Spiritual
  • devotional
  • god
  • love
  • our
  • teenage


Psalm 95:7a - "For He is our God" Secularists and even many Christians view the God of the Bible as a powerful tyrant, bent on always getting His way. They believe that He is powerful, true, but there is no fondness or admiration in their eyes toward their Creator. They see only what they want to see, the negative aspects, and they refuse to look deeper into scripture to find out what He is truly like. Those of us with the courage to look beyond the point where others stop are met with a much different God. In a sense their is no way for us to describe God. He is far too great for us to even begin to wrap our minds around Him, and that's okay. It's enough to know that He is our God, and we are His people. He loves us deeply, deeper than any human could ever begin to imagine. He knows everything about us, and He holds us in the palm of His hand. He is your God. He is my God. He is our God. [based on the #YourGodMyGodOurGod series posted on Instagram @teenagechristiangirl]


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Yours, Mi...
by teenagechristiangirl