Negan's Daught...
By storygirlhi
  • Fanfiction
  • bethgreene
  • carlgrimes
  • chandlerriggs
  • michonne
  • negan
  • rickgrimes
  • thewalkingdead
  • twd


"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey." - Kenji Miyazawa Life wasn't easy anymore, especially not for the good guys. Had life been easy the apocalypse wouldn't have displaced Breanna and her mom into Woodbury. Governor Philip Blake wouldn't have taken over in place of Major Gene Gavin had life been fair. But life wasn't fair anymore, and Breanna understood that. Therefore, when on one rainy night she encountered a prison full of survivors she was taken aback by her luck. Life wasn't fair anymore, but how could she not consider meeting them to be the fairest moment of her life. -------------------------- I felt tears exit my eyes as I limped closer. Rick helped Carl up, trying to get him to stop crying. Their attention snapped in my direction as I got closer. "E-Everyone's gone." I forced out in disbelief. Everything was gone. Rick staggered towards me before wrapping his free arm around my shoulder. I held onto his back and helped Carl help him walk. We have to go." Rick pronounced as tears slipped down my face. I couldn't feel them, I couldn't feel anything except a hole in my stomach. Once we had gotten far enough I broke myself away and went further ahead with my gun to make sure it was clear. As the three of us walked away from our home Rick muttered three words. "Don't look back." -------------------------- {Cover made by @MollyManus}

| Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Tombs

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by storygirlhi