Not Just A Road Trip
By glucklichjaja
  • Romance
  • adventure
  • roadtrip
  • romance


What if one summer, 4 people came up with such a stupid idea it was truly brilliant? What if they were given a "groovy" van, money for gas and their parents credit card? What if these 4 people got in the van? Meet Kristine or Kris, the 'old school' girl who carries around Walkmans and books, she's your I'm a quiet girl but I have the personality of a badass type of person. Then their's Red, the schools unknown, I mean everyone knows who he is but he's not just a jock or a bad boy, he's his own person. Next up we have V, or Vicky, she's your typical badass with a past, she doesn't take shit from anyone, thus she's more muscle in the 4. Finally, we have Dante, he's more of a quiet 'nerd' looking type of guy but he has a heart of gold and the brain the size of two. --------------------

1. Lets start off with a cup of jo

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Not Just...
by glucklichjaja