I've Been Thin...
By Oo0hNana
  • Teen Fiction
  • bbw
  • biggirl
  • drama
  • fatgirl
  • fiction
  • gangs
  • insecurities
  • love
  • plussize
  • sad
  • thug
  • urban


Keona Nicole isn't like your average 25 year old. She is plus size bbw, while on the outside she is confident and walks with her head held high. On the inside she is insecure and shy. Wondering if she will ever find that one who will love her for her . Keona has to balance school, work, and raising her teenage sister who was just dumped into her life. Her best friend who is just as spunky and tell's her day in and out that she is beautiful. So join her on this journey of self love and maybe even real true love. Kai'Den Jackson is very good looking wealthy student athlete. Being a business major and the star football player is great it just attracts the wrong kind of women, gold diggers and hoes who only love you for the money. Sick of the old and wanting something real Kai'Den is ready to put his pride to side and go after the girl he has had a crush on from the very beginning. But 1st he must deal with this 2nd life style. So come and join them on this journey and see where it goes.


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by Oo0hNana