The Sister of Hercu...
By Hannah_Hatter
  • Fanfiction
  • disney
  • hercules


We all know the story of how Hercules fell on Earth, was raised by mortals, became a hero and married Megara. But, did you, know Hercules actually ha a sister? Her name is Millenia. She came to Earth with him and took care of him. She's his older sister. And she wasn't nearly killed by Hades when she was a baby because she was never destined to destroy him. Only to be his favourite niece, which she is. But now, at the age of 1782 years old (she's immortal. She was born born back when the titans were still terrorising everybody, back before fire was discovered), she gets a little brother and is taken on the trip of the century If you are reading this story on any platform other than Wattpad you are very likely to be at risk of a malware attack. If you wish to read this story in its original, safe, form, please go to Thank you.

A Star is Born!

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The Siste...
by Hannah_Hatter