By YouFuckingRock0810
  • Teen Fiction
  • abuse
  • alone
  • cutting
  • damaged
  • defeat
  • depressed
  • depression
  • diamond
  • family
  • fixingher
  • heath
  • love
  • onlyfriend
  • sad
  • safe
  • savingher
  • savior
  • scared
  • selfharm
  • stillfighting


What am I? Abused. Broken. Depressed. Anxious. Suicidal. Hated. Shattered? I don't know anymore. All I know is that I'm Diamond. I'm 17 years old. And I'm broken. That's it. Oh, and that I wake up each morning just to be beaten. Then I go to sleep with a blade on my skin. it's how I work. I don't understand how life is worth living. When I drag a blade across my skin, I feel free. I feel like I'm not dying. But I am. We all are. You're born, dying. Every breath you take, takes you one closer to your last. My last breath is just going to be a lot sooner than yours. *** Diamond. The beauty that caught my attention on the first day has a name that suits her. She's been through so much. You can see it in her eyes. But her name isn't Diamond for nothing. A diamond is only a piece of coal put under a lot of pressure. I can save her. She's broken. But she's not completely shattered. Now, I can make her shine. For anyone suicidal, just know that I love you! <3 I'm here: (479)595/3884

Chapter 1

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by YouFuckingRock0810