Chains of Nect: Obs...
By AlexaGrave
  • Fantasy
  • dark
  • dedicant
  • epic
  • fantasy
  • gate
  • guardian
  • magic
  • obsession
  • otherworld
  • portal
  • romance
  • rules
  • struggle


Obsidian successfully plays the game expected of her, passes the tests, and is accepted as a Guardian. Though she jumps through the hoops, she doesn't want to follow the precepts at all, to guard the portals but never open them. She believes its a waste to not explore the worlds within, like her ancestors had. How can they protect themselves if something comes through the portals if they don't know what's in them? Obsidian's appointed mentor, Damian, is a straight-laced young Guardian, who can't contain the young dedicant. He's always believed the laws are in place to protect all of Nect, but Obsidian starts to make him question his own principles. She doesn't allow him any time to examine the possibilities, though, and he has to decide between reporting her or standing by her side to protect her from whatever horrors she stirs up. Will the Guardians end Obsidian's life, or will something from another world get to her first? ***One new chapter will be posted about once every two months.*** ***WARNING: This is rough draft material. Don't be surprised if you fall into plot holes, trip over inconsistencies, and get hit in the head with direction changes. I've done my best to read through several times before posting, though, to make sure most spelling and grammar errors are corrected. Any constructive comments are welcome for when I revise this novel. Thank you for reading!***

Prologue: Resolution

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Chains of...
by AlexaGrave