Let's play a g...
By KayRay1354
  • Fanfiction
  • haruhifujioka
  • hitachiintwins
  • honey
  • mori
  • ouranhighschoolhostclub
  • tamakisuoh


You know that game the twins played? Yeah. And how they were complete jerks to those girls? Yeah. I was one of those girls. But, you see, I won. At the end of my middle school 3rd year, I sent one of the Hitachiin twins a love letter, after hearing all the rumors. But, I can tell them apart. So when Kaoru was to pose as Hikaru, I knew it was him. In multiple ways this was a bad idea... but... In the end, it was worth it. Going to the highschool, I meet up with my two old friends; Haruhi Fujioka and Hanako Fujima. One thing was, though, that the Host Club got to them first. And with Haruhi and Hanako being them, now they both owe the club way more than they can imagine. Of course, thats why they love me so much, for I have connections.

Our First Encounter

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by KayRay1354