Survivor: Knives of...
By WildChildIsHere
  • Fantasy


My life almost came to an end. My hands didnt even shake. My blood almost stopped flowing. My face was emotionless. But my head and my heart decided I still had a battle to fight. Hi, my name is Gianna and I am 15 years old. I live near my friends in my small ghost-townish neighborhood. My specialty is making knives. Not any normal knives, but knives with special abilities. For example, my knives can set others on fire, give heart attacks, or freeze people to death. My knives can also heal, comfort, or give people hope. Yes, that sounds awesome, but theres over 10 million hoglings sent by Dr.Fizzmick and they are trying to capture me and my friends. Years ago, Dr.Fizzmick had an arguement with my father and now hes after me and my three friends Tom, Joe, and Matt. Now we have to find a way to defeat him and the hoglings before they defeat us! Heres our story

Part 1 (Giannas POV)

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by WildChildIsHere