  • Short Story
  • boyfriend
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  • fairytales
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  • kiss
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Emelie Johnson has never been kissed. Ever since she was a little girl, she dreamed of her first kiss being a fairytale kiss with her hero, or otherwise known as Prince Charming—just like in the books her mom read to her. Too bad life isn’t a fairytale and she hasn’t found that special someone to give her the magical moment she has always dreamed of. To make matters worse, Serenity—head of the notorious B squad—has taken it upon herself to dub her ‘UnKissable’ or ‘UK’ for short. Poor Em has been the laughing stock of the school for years now. Finally getting tired of being the joke her senior year, she announces she has a boyfriend, Taylor Matthews—a Greek God who has an amazing personality and is into all the right things—to bad he’s not real. Emelie thinks this will solve all her problems, much to this dismay of her best friend, Bailee. True to Bailee’s words, all it did was make things worse. Now Serenity wants to meet this so-called boyfriend and threatens to ruin her reputation even more, if she does not produce this mysterious boyfriend of hers. Bailee and Emelie may have cooked up a plan to deceive the B Squad, but Em soon learns that lying isn’t going to get you anywhere and that no matter how silly your dreams are, you should not change them for anyone, or anything. After all, her hero could be right in front of her, waiting for her to open her eyes and see that he can give her the kiss she always dreamed of, and show her that she is not UnKissable.


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