Young Criminals
By UntameMe11
  • Humor
  • comedy
  • criminals
  • dram
  • drama
  • love
  • romance


“You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, it can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have a lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire.” The big bellied police man said to her as he approached her. She searched her surroundings for a way out, but found that she was surrounded by police cars. The bright lights and the sound of the siren surrounding her made her feel dizzy, and it was all it takes for her to pass out. ***** Brooke was a troubled teenager struggling to juggle between jobs, high school and taking care of her little sister. Yves was the heir to the famous Davidson Corporation, the golden boy who has his future set out for him. He was lucky except for the fact that he didn't want any of it. He was trouble himself. Two troubled teenagers meet in one twisted fate of tragedy and love as they go on an adventure together to survive four months in the Young delinquents, Juvenile school for Young Criminals.

Untitled Part 1

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Young Cri...
by UntameMe11