My mate is a JOCK(M...
By irishgoofball
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They said having a mated life will be so happy,that I don't know abot because I'm not mated, and I haven't found my mate yet. They said that a mate will protect you and is willing to sacrifice his or her life for you. Will my mate save me from the bullying and stuffs I'm going through? I hope so Yes, I'm being bullied because I'm gay and there are a lot of homophobic person in school, The news went out over a year ago and the news spread like wildfire, the news was heard all over the whole school in an instant, In a tick of the clock, my life was basically, ruined, I was the target of the school jocks especially the baseball team who bullied me everyrime they spot me walking through the halls, And that reveals the school's no.1 jock, next in line for the Alpha title of our pack, Catching Fire pack ,captain of the baseball team, Wesley Track, I sweaf, he made my life a living hell but I couldn't hold a grudge or hate him because I have a crush on him, the school's jock


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My mate i...
by irishgoofball