Rayne On The Rose
By perpetualfangirl
  • Vampire
  • blair


Hello Readers, my name is Rosaline Carter. You don’t know of me, or you shouldn’t at any rate. I just so happen to be the Queen of the Vampires. Too much information to take in at once? Alright, well you’ll just have to take my word for it and read the rest of this book. This is the story of how I came into my power and who I actually am. Take it for fiction if you will, but I can swear to you that every word of this manuscript is rooted in truth. I have written all of my experiences, but because of my special circumstances, had I written this entire thing from my point of view, there would have been gaps in the story. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to lovingly force my companions to fill in the gaps that I leave because of those “special circumstances” I mentioned. Well, you'll see what I mean... Let the Game begin!

Chapter 23

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Rayne On...
by perpetualfangirl