I Won't Give U...
By raquel_1998
  • Fanfiction
  • emma
  • evilregal
  • ouat
  • regina
  • swanqueen


After Regina and Emma get into a fight. Emma leaves Storybrooke and crashes into the sign that says "Welcome To Storybrooke". David finds Emma calls 911 and then calls Regina and tells her Emma got into a car accident. Regina gets worried and rushed to the hospital and sees Emma and realizes she has feelings for her. Emma wakes up the next day and doesn't know anybody. Dr. Whales informs Regina that since she has feelings for Emma she can help her regain some memory. Regina then goes to Tinkerbell and asks what will help Emma and Tinkerbell tells her a true loves kiss will help her regain memory. Will Regina make new memories with Emma? Or Will her love be enough to regain her memory?

Chapter 1: I Don't Love You ~ Regina's P.O.V. ~

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I Won...
by raquel_1998