The Torn Sins
By SlimJimSem
  • Vampire
  • abusivecontent
  • action
  • adult
  • adventure
  • betrayal
  • blood
  • bloodsucker
  • dark
  • drama
  • family
  • fantasy
  • love
  • lovetriangle
  • romance
  • sexualthemes
  • vampire


"Greetings to you all across the nation of The Castle. I, your Queen, come today, bearing sad news. Your princess, Cybil, has become mentally ill. This has been going on for a few weeks now, since her 17th birthday she has nearly refused to eat, screamed out horrible things against this nation and it's people, and most recently she has tried to commit suicide. I know how much you all love your princess, I too, love her more than the moon loves the ocean, after all she is my daughter. But in order for her to get better she needs help outside of us. She will be sent to a hospital, where she can receive special help and assistance from doctors with extreme experience. Once she is well again, she shall return to us." Those were the words mother spoke. Right in front of my very eyes. She had walked out onto that balcony and she had told our entire nation that I was crazy, insane, out of my mind...This. Was. A. Lie. She was the crazy one. She was the one of out her mind. She was the one who had murdered thousands of people for our race. Who were we, The Vampires, to assume that we were above mankind. To take away their homes and their lives as they knew them. Mother is wrong, mother is foolish, and mother does not understand the strength that lies within mankind. But soon she will learn. Very soon, she will learn. ---- Cybil Royal was everything expected of a vampire princess, she was elegant, generous, yet still filled with enough fire to roast her entire kingdom. For the most part however, she had done as she'd been told by her mother and father, that is, until her illness came along. A disease known as "the Sight," has infected Cybil, leaving her crazed and filled with madness. To keep her out of the eyes of the rest of the kingdom, she was locked in a tower and left there to die. But when a young boy known as Natham is brought to her for companionship, things began to change. As her senses return, so does her fire, and soon, Cybil is ready to wreak havoc.

The Torn Sins

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The Torn...
by SlimJimSem