You Are What You Are
By Starrs15
  • Adventure
  • angel
  • brokenhearts
  • comingbacktoreality
  • love
  • mystery
  • nicki
  • thinkin
  • twins


Who said rich girl Nicki can't be something she never thought of being. It runs deep in her blood. She's never knew her mom. She was told her mom died giving birth to her. Nicki lives with her dad, fresh out of high school, and doesn't know what to do with her life. She spends her time being a model because, well shes good at it. She also has the best boyfriend til' he breaks up wit her. She has secrets up her sleves and everything that she was told was a lie and shes lost in the clouds, in a daze, gazeing at all the stars...She's always been popular and had talent at everything. But she wishes she was normal, average, and ordinary...

Nicki is her name,but being normal isn't her game...

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You Are W...
by Starrs15