Chocolate Kisses
By ChocoMarshiesAddict
  • Romance


Her heart was beating fast, I can feel it. I was that close to her. The air suddenly became chilly. I began to remember that it was night time. The place seemed to have grown dark. I pulled away, it’s been to quiet. I wanted to see her face, ask if she was okay. But when I pulled away, she was still too close, closer than I have ever been to her before, nose to nose, barely an inch away from a kiss. A kiss. This wasn’t good. She was too close. I could feel her warmth, her breath, her hair, and wafting scent of chocolates. I felt her. I lowered my hands, and now they were at her waist. She was just looking at me, waiting for my next move. Maybe I was waiting for myself too. Or maybe waiting for her permission? I was going to do something stupid. I knew that. She called my name. And that was all it took. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I was kissing her, I couldn’t believe it. -Ralph

Sweet Nothings

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by ChocoMarshiesAddict