Prove It (A Brookly...
By zeroto60
  • Fanfiction
  • australia
  • brooklynbeckham
  • england
  • fanfic
  • love


I've always wanted to live in England, but I never expected to actually be going. It was really hard leaving my friends, I've known most of them since I was in junior school, I love them all. But I don't really have a choice, my dad has gotten a great work opportunity and he can't pass it up. All my friends came to say goodbye as I boarded my plane. Lucy, Becky, Jess, Molly, Emma, Trent, Dylan, Liam. With tears shed, hugs and kisses I got on the plane with red puffy eyes. I found my seat and put in my headphones, it was nice just my music and me. I knew it would be hard, moving, but it would be a chance to start fresh and maybe even meet someone.

Chapter 1

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Prove It...
by zeroto60