Dangerous Love
By MissTJ
  • Random
  • dangerous
  • fantasy
  • humor
  • love
  • mystery
  • romance
  • teen


Prophacy of the Spark Shifters... Four seperate worlds will collide in the bodies of two. Their love strong and powers even stronger. They shall exchange, when the exchange completes these two lovers will be torn apart, knowledge of their power unknown to them. By blood line they shall fall, buy common enemies they shall unite, memories forgotten but love still resides, war shall come, worlds will be lost and shaken, on a dying field their light shall chase the makers away, arise the new gods of the realm. New rules and laws obey, No easy roads they take, shall the beauty of what could be may be lost... With having only heard part of the prophacy Doormoth becomes frightened by its contents, he searches for the four worlds in two bodies, only to find that them leading to his granddaughter and her loved mate, their family on the run from Doormoth himself. When assassins destroy Annanille's some what peaceful exsistance, she finds herself dying in the arms of her true heart. Doing the best thing that a spark shifter can do she chants the spell that will spark the beginning of something that is both fortold and feared, soon to forget her memories with her hearts desire she pleads with him to find her, on a vow of promise he does, only to unlock the keys to a whole new life and immortality beyond what they already know to be takes them on a journey of a life time, deception lurking around every corner with their light to use their immortality for their own use. Can this Dangerous Love see its end? And live peacefully? Or will they lose it when at every turn it feels like others are trying to keep them away from each other? When all they want is to be together.

Dangerous Love

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by MissTJ