Call for submission...
By Nyhterides
  • Random
  • agent
  • magazine
  • non-fiction
  • poem
  • publish
  • publishing
  • sites
  • story
  • submission
  • writing


This is a little place where I will be posting links and stuff that may help those keen on publishing. There will be agents, magazines, publishing houses, and all that good stuff. Were it not for a few people helping me to publish my first book, I would have never dared tread upon this path and 'Gobin Garden' would never have been anything but words on paper. This is me paying it forward. Things I post here are shared from other pages. I will copy/past most things. You are submitting/entering/ect. on your own terms. I have nothing to do with these other than post them, everything else you do is up to you. If you want to share anything from here feel free. This is what I can offer you now. Good luck, this dance is quite tricky. You think the struggle ends when you sign a contract, HAH!'s just begun... You have been warned.

Call # 1-poems, stories

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Call for...
by Nyhterides