The Science of God...
By RonEstrada
  • Spiritual
  • christianity
  • faith
  • god
  • religion
  • science


The Science of God will be one man's attempt to explain his reasons for believing that there is one God, the creator of the universe, and why Christianity is His one true faith. We are living in times when Christianity is openly mocked and Christians the source of public ridicule, even violence. We are at war. We are at war for the souls of men and women, children, gay and straight, Muslim and Buddhist. Jesus showed no favoritism to whom He would love. Neither shall I. I am not a theologian or church leader. Only an engineer. A man who has loved science since his first view through a telescope at the beauty of the heavens. It wouldn't be until my 30th year that I found the Creator of those heavens and asked His forgiveness. I still ask His forgiveness. It is the best we can do. I hope that you'll join me on this exploration. Keep an open mind, as I know readers and writers alike do better than most. Thanks for reading.


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The Scien...
by RonEstrada