I don't own DB DBZ DB GT ect just Muzak and I'm am sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes~~~~~~~ Muzak, Vegetas little sister who doesn't know exists, pretends to be kidnapped by red and blue (don't remember their names) in order to make her other bigger brother, Tarbles, to become stronger. Both brothers don't know how strong Muzak is. She had defeated the God of destruction four time and is capable of super saiyan 4, but then again she is close friends with the God seeing that he took her in when her father sent her away for being a girl with a higher power level then him. He trained her to the maximum and once thought she was ready let her leave, of course being able to come back. This is where he adventure with her big, over protective, brother Vegeta begins (In this story vegeta is 30 same with goku and picollo, argh spelling, bulma and chi chi are 28, tarbles is 17 same with gohun and videl, he had pan yet, and Muzak is 13, same age as trunks and goten)
Chapter one 'Kidnapped'