My Heart Is Yours...
By cherryredlolligirl
  • Fanfiction
  • aloise
  • anime
  • blackbulter
  • ceil
  • claude
  • demonmythology
  • kuroshisuji
  • maid
  • readerxceil
  • revenge
  • romance
  • sebastian
  • xreader


In this story your running away from a murder who killed your mum, dad and your little brother. In an attempt to escape your deadly fate of being cut up into tiny bloody pieces you run to your cousin for help and he just so happens to work for the lord phantomhive. Your cousin finny is very over protective of you being his only cousin and you love him dearly. But what happens when a certain lord takes a liking to you. What happens when your taken by the queen. What happens when the past comes back to taunt poor little (y/n). Will you survive or fall to the darkest depths of hell. (Dose not follow the story line of black bulter in the slightest) (Bad langue/smut you have been warned) ~~

1~The death of loved ones

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My Heart...
by cherryredlolligirl