The Scars that Defi...
By ZombieBeheader
  • Fanfiction
  • dino
  • dinosaur
  • jurassicpark
  • jurassicworld
  • raptors
  • trex


When the dinosaurs broke out from their enclosures in the theme park known as Jurassic World, all humans were taken away, to a safe place. But Riley was left behind. Alone with the dinosaurs. She learnt how to bond with the beasts, and everyday, she hoped that someone would come for her. But no one ever did. Five years on, there is still no sign of other humans on the Jurassic World theme park. But a group of Dinotrappers come to Jurassic world, planning to capture, or kill the large reptiles. But Riley will protect those beasts that she has come to know so well. She will protect them with her life. But what happens when she meets a young, super fine Dinotrapper boy by the name of Drake, who has a deadly secret? One that both Riley and him share... But they don't realise how they are lesser pawns in a bigger game of chess.. **I do not own Jurassic World, or anything connected to it!** WILL BE BLOOD AND GORE!


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The Scars...
by ZombieBeheader