By smwriterx
  • Action
  • angst
  • betrayal
  • disease
  • love
  • treachery
  • treason


A fatal disease called ISC has suddenly become virulent, killing off most of the global population. Suddenly the virus hits Jessica's community and she watches all of her loved ones die to realize that she is immune to ISC. The government demands that Jessica turn herself in so they can figure out how to cure ISC; however, all the people who turned themselves in have never returned and it is rumored that the test subjects are stripped of their human rights and become human mice. Jessica runs for her life when she runs into a mysteriously familiar and handsome man named Kris. She trusts him then slowly falls in love with him. One day, Jessica discovers Kris' horrifying past and tries to run away from the man she trusted and love, when the government captures her and convicts her of threatening humanity. She is ultimately trialed for execution. Jessica attempts to save herself by telling the officials that she'll become a test subject for ISC, when the government reveals that they are the ones behind the mass extinction of the human race.

0. Prologue

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by smwriterx