Awkward Stars
By katherinedelia
  • Science Fiction
  • comedy
  • dystopian
  • fiction
  • humor
  • romance
  • sciencefiction
  • teenfiction
  • turtlefam


note: this was written by my thirteen year old self highest -- #177 in Science Fiction // From Awkward Stars: "Idiots, how did we loose a sixteen year old in a glass room?!" a voice silences them all. I slip out of my corner and into the now empty hallway, shutting the doors behind me. I race as fast as I can away from that interrogation room and tears stream down my face. I've tried so hard to be good. I've tried so hard to fit in. What have I done to deserve this? Lost in thought, I can't look where I'm going. My face connects with a human-feeling thing. "Emma?" Tyler asks and states. I look up into his cold eyes. "You?" I push past him, slamming my shoulder on his. Pain spikes through me, but all I can think about is getting out of here. There are black dots in my vision. I hear yells and calls after me, but they are faded. I burst through the first door I find. A mob of people await me, but they aren't about to arrest me. I collapse into the nearest persons chest. "Get her back to headquarters." xxx UPDATED EVERY SINGLE MONDAY FOR #AWKWARDMONDAYS

Author's Note

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Awkward S...
by katherinedelia