The Spy and The Boy...
By tylynn_01
  • Fanfiction


Hi I'm Amanda. I live in London, England. I have brown hair that goes down to my waist and is curly, bright blue eyes, tan skin and I'm about 5 foot 6 inches. I also have a bunch of secrets that no one will ever know. My name has been changed to many times to count. The biggest secret that I have is something that I will probably be killed for if anyone finds out. But, it's hard being a spy when you fall in love with an international popstar in the band One Direction. The hardest thing is fighting fate and not running into him again. My life has always been full of intresting things but when I run into this band my life is the most interesting roller coaster I have ever been challenged with.

The Spy and The Boyband.

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The Spy a...
by tylynn_01