Saved By The Heartl...
By AmazingCat_
  • Fanfiction
  • abuse
  • amazingphil
  • dan
  • danisnotonfire
  • danosaur
  • gắng
  • howell
  • lester
  • phanfic
  • phanfiction
  • phil
  • phần


Dan Howell is the leader of a well known and dangerous gang known as Danosaurous. He’s been known to kidnap, rape, torture, and even kill people. Nothing stands in his way. And what are his motives for doing all this? Fun. Pure fun. He finds fun in the pain and agony of other people. He’s ruthless, and he frankly doesn’t care about the safety or health of others. That is, until he meets a certain Phil Lester. Phil Lester is an orphan. He lives alone with his foster father, who abuses him. His foster father, Jacobby, finds a thrill in abusing Phil. From going to kicking him, punching him, starving him, all the way to raping him. Phil was at his breaking point. One day, Jacobby grabbed Phil and he threw him to the streets. Phil was used to this, he had thrown him outside for various other times, but it was snowing. He was freezing, and having only a thin sweater on him, Phil accepted his sure to come fate. Phil knew he wasn’t going to make it through the night. But, he never thought that he would wake up in a warm bed, tucked in, with a roof over his head. And most surely not with Dan Howell, the leader of a heartless gang right next to him.

Dan Howell

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Saved By...
by AmazingCat_