There was a time when the wars of nations were fought for the well being of others. A time when the motive was peace and and the outcome was just that. A time when justice was served and the world remained in a constant rhythm of serenity. That no longer exists. Weaponizing GMOs to curb an exponential population growth has lead to an outbreak of worldwide, biochemical warfare. Those too poor to take refuge beneath the surface endure a daily struggle to stay alive. Fourteen year old, Ora Makalo is caught in a gas attack, damaging her left eye and the nerves in her right hand. Her best friend Sibley Banner extracts the visual mechanisms out of a test android and implants it into Ora's eye in an effort to save who she considers her remaining family. What seems to be an apparent failure ends up being their salvation. The eye--named Cicero after the android it was taken from--begins to calculate credit card numbers from discarded bills the girls find while scavenging.