Pills and Daffodils...
By howellyoudoing
  • Fanfiction
  • amazingphil
  • danhowell
  • danisnotonfire
  • gay
  • phanfiction
  • phần
  • youtube


17 year old Dan Howell feels as he has nothing to live for. He is constantly bullied at school for being pansexual and 99℅ of his family are homophobic assholes. Sooner or later, he finds himself at the psychiatric ward at the local hospital due to an overdose. Phil Lester is a nurse at this hospital and notices Dan when he is brought in on a bright yellow gurney. Instantly, Phil fell in love. He decides to leave a little pink sticky note and a daffodil one night on Dan's bedside table; an action that will change their lives forever. Trigger Warning: suicidal themes and mentions of depression. I just want you babes to be safe! love yah! Please note that this phanfiction may sound similar to YTD but trust me, it is way different. Its just a similar concept. Thank you!

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Pills and...
by howellyoudoing