Nine to Survival Jo...
By kmbell92
  • Fanfiction


Isla Nublar, an island associated with haunting memories for many. Tainted with blood and death. Referred to as an "accident waiting to happen" numerous times. First, Jurassic Park and then Jurassic World. But that was in the past. The island has gone 115 days without an accident since the recent "InGen Invasion." The dinosaurs seem to be happier and coexisting peacefully with the island being ran by two very dedicated people who are closing the gap between dinosaur and human interaction. Keira Grant and Owen Grady return in this adventure as the young adults attempt to keep the island functioning as well as plan their upcoming wedding. With new interns ,returning friends, and managing the dinosaurs, the couple must learn to swim to avoiding drowning in their busy schedules. However, dark forces threaten the peaceful existence of the island as a powerful grudge looms over the unsuspecting. Book 3 : Legacy Book 2: Nine to Survival Job Book 1: Clever Girl


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Nine to S...
by kmbell92