Held Tight by Someo...
By EtheMyst
  • Fanfiction
  • billiejoeanddaughter
  • billiejoearmstrong
  • greenday


It's been a total of about six months sense the oh-so-rebel punk girl, Neomi Terrain (Well, Neomi Armstrong if you will) has gotten kicked out of her mother's household, found out about her father that turned out to be the lead singer of her favorite band, left Palmsdale and Jimmy altogether to live with this not-so-unknown stranger and well, you know the rest. But, it's been five months sense "The Accident" and she never feels like talking about it to anyone...sometimes she may bring it up with Billie but, if a conversation were to arouse towards the topic, she will most likely walk away and hide like a hermit in her bedroom. Neomi finally goes to school as a now sixteen year old outcast, I mean to her she is just another somebody that doesn't fit in, but she never believed you had to fit in to be liked, but others think otherwise and they think she is more a nobody than a somebody. And her and Billie Joe's relationship as a father-daughter sort of apparel as been getting really close, closer than before, in short she won't leave his side. She will always go to him for things, never Adie, when she wants to feel loved, sure she will text Jimmy who left to go back to Palmsdale, but she always goes to Billie to feel something and when she fucks something up, she lets Billie know and when he tells her to tell Adie what shes done, she'd never do it...Billie has to do it...So why is Neomi being so clingy lately? Could it be that she is afraid of another "Accident"? and what exactly happened that day anyway? Find out in the fresh new Sequel from Held Close by Someone I Never Knew; Held Tight by Someone I Know.


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Held Tigh...
by EtheMyst