The Rainbow
By NikitaSarmah
  • Poetry


It was never blue and pink It was always red and green and blue And purple and orange and yellow too It was right in front of your eyes A rainbow is never in monochrome Oh no, You have been a fool Not seeing what is what And what is not Swinging from black to white Skipping the grey details You cannot accept anything new Can you? It’s like you’re watching a movie In 3-D Well there are many more dimensions You refuse to see You want to be blessed You want respect You will do all it takes To make it just white and black Judge people according to the ticked boxes The colors people choose to wear The way one walks The way one looks, talks, gestures, breathes! When are you going to stop? Stop fighting with your self And start accepting people as people Souls as souls, colors as just colors Hugs as hugs, Smiles as smiles Yes, it is that simple But You are stuck somewhere, Defining blue and pink.

Untitled Part 1

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The Rainb...
by NikitaSarmah