Linger (Camren)
By Stoopkid13
  • Fanfiction
  • cabello
  • camila
  • camren
  • jauregui
  • lauren


Camila is the semi-optimistic teen girl, some may say wise beyond her years, who fears insanity in the future. Lauren is the one that fears she will be the cause of her own demise, and there's nothing she can do about it. None the less, she buries pieces of her soul in all her works of art. To most people, the capabilities of our minds is one of the greatest in the world. To people like Lauren and Camila, it's one of the scariest. The two are well aware that there's always that slim chance that you can slip away, not just from others, but from yourself, and it's no ones fault. It's just how it is. How you deal with this realization, well that's something completely different. So the question lies: How can they make the most of the parts of their past that do nothing but linger around them? Will it pull them together, or tear them apart?

Chapter 1: What You Missed

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Linger (C...
by Stoopkid13