Once upon a high sc...
By princess__kayla
  • Teen Fiction
  • awesome
  • cool
  • drama
  • exciting
  • fun
  • highschool
  • humor
  • love
  • revenge
  • romance
  • sad
  • slay
  • surprising
  • teen
  • teenager
  • teenfiction
  • tumblr
  • wattpad
  • yas


Skylar Campbell is starting her 11th grade school year great so far at bridges creek! She's on the varsity volleyball team, her crush is becoming more close with her, no drama, and she is still best friends with Tori miller. but that all changes on Friday of September 26..... Soon, Tori is beginning to hang out with a rude new girl, Skylar's grades aren't so good that she could be kicked off the volleyball team, lots of drama, and worse : she finds out her crush has a girlfriend....who happens to be Skylar's worst enemy.... So, with the help of a geeky but cute guy: Logan Wilson, Skylar and Logan will do whatever it takes to end the relationship between her crush and her worst enemy, the friendship between her BFF and the new rude girl, end the drama, and Logan tends to help bring Skylar's grades up. Will Logan and Skylar's plans work? Or will they backfire?

Chapter 1

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Once upon...
by princess__kayla