Three weeks to live...
By Future_Photographer
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Hey I'm Lillian but everyone calls me Lilly. I've been living with cancer since the age of eighteen and I'm twenty one now. it started prom night when me and my boyfriend were taking our relationship up a notch. cheesy, I know losing my virginity on prom of all days. he felt my right breast and then asked me what something was. when I looked down there was a lump. I had 're assured him that it was ok even though I was worried that following week my doctor told me and my mother that I had breast cancer. at the age of nineteen I got my breast removed. everything was fine until five months later when I went for a check up. they took a blood sample and in my blood they found cancer cells. now I have leukemia I'm twenty one now with stage four leukemia not getting any better. My doctor says that we can keep trying but honestly....I'm done trying. I m going to stop treatment and live the life I want to live.....the problem with that is I only have three weeks to do it.

the decision

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Three wee...
by Future_Photographer