Distance b/w Us...
By background21
  • General Fiction
  • arranged
  • college
  • cousin
  • daughter
  • death
  • distance
  • family
  • friendship
  • generalfiction
  • hurt
  • indian
  • love
  • vikram
  • yourstoryindia


They say distance means so little when the person means so much... But when you mean nothing to that person then, the little distance will definitely mean so much... They say distance is a test of how far love can go but what if there is no love in the first place... They say the worst thing about distance is we don't know whether they miss you or forget you, but what if they don't even give a sign that they feel your presence even after looking at you every day... Distance doesn't just refer to the miles between two persons. Because we are not living in different places far away from each other, but still, there is a distance between us. Is it going to be just there forever? Or will there be any way to reduce it... You may have become my husband, but you made yourself as a stranger to me by forming this distance between us, and I am losing the little hope which I formed in the beginning slowly...


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by background21