Dancing in the Rain
By thewiseone12
  • Romance
  • ballet
  • best
  • dancer
  • ex-best
  • fights
  • friends
  • groups
  • meet
  • school
  • sophie
  • swimmer
  • swimming


Sophie Elliot was an inspiring dancer. She lived and breathed ballet almost every second of her life. She even got accepted for St James Ballet School. The most prestigious ballet school in the country but nothing is perfect forever is it. Her ex-best friend Theresa decides that Sophie doesn't deserve to get to dance so she injures her out of revenge. After being told that she will never dance again, Sophie takes up swimming in the hope that she will improve her injured knee but suddenly she meets Will. William Jacobs takes Sophie under his wing and teaches her. Everything seems perfect but nothing ever stays like that, does it? Suddenly Sophie is thrust into a world of hate and she doesn't know who to trust anymore. It seems like anyone that she used to trust doesn't care anymore.

Chapter 1

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Dancing i...
by thewiseone12