Stuff you should se...
By StephsBTSObsessed
  • Random
  • hunterxhunter
  • memes
  • pictures
  • pokemon
  • random
  • videos


This won't really be a book but like a book showing pictures and videos you guys should see. I hope you guys like the pictures I have made, which basically is to edit a picture I find that has a funny moments or reaction and try to make it even more funnier. Some of the pictures have cuss words but in my opinion it makes the picture more funnier. Thee is nothing inappropriate about my pictures except like I said, the language used. I hope you also enjoy the amvs or videos I will show that are not owned by me, but are from YouTube. Anyways, enough with the chit chat, just read and enjoy!! Btw, I don't own the cover picture. I found it and it looks really nice so I decided to use it.

Struggling in Math

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Stuff you...
by StephsBTSObsessed