The Un-Perfect Boy
By camsters1234
  • Teen Fiction
  • badboy
  • love
  • misunderstoodgirl
  • mysteriousguy
  • unansweredquestions


There is a myth out there that humans were once born with four arms, four legs, two faces, and only one heart. The Greek god Zeus was afraid of their combined power so he split them into two different parts and placed them far apart to spend the rest of their lives searching for their other half. Often times we forget to question things we see. We see these myths on social media and laugh it off, never thinking twice that it could happen. Then there's Carmen Grey, a girl who lives her life in secret and misery. Never in a million years would she dream that she would bump into someone who would ask her questions that she herself may not know the answers to. Someone who keeps her on her toes and makes her wonder if she really does have to live her life the way she does. They keep her asking questions and may free her from what has become her normal everyday life. Because even book descriptions and light foreshadows of people may not always be what they seem. *** moderate language.***


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The Un-Pe...
by camsters1234