Hate Is A Strong Wo...
By heatrless_
  • Fanfiction
  • lydiamartin
  • martinski
  • stilesstilinski
  • stydia
  • teenwolf


Lydia Martin and Stiles Stilinski are the most popular people at Beacon Hills High school, home of the cyclones. Lydia; An incredible, witty, and big-hearted girl that is doing everything she can do so she can leave Beacon Hills. Stiles; A jock and pretty much every stereotype that describes one. No big hopes for the future, he doesn't want anything to change. People think the most popular people should date, well not here. Lydia may be the most popular girl but she will never be friends with the popular group. She is friends with the most known outcastes, Allison Argent and Isaac Lahey. Stiles on the other hand has been friends with popular group since 7th grade. Lydia and Stiles hate eachother, ever since middle school. Who even new they used to be best friends? "Hate is a strong word, Lydia." "Well I'm a strong person." [CURRENTLY EDITING ABD THE FINISHED PRODUCT WILL BE UP SOON]

chapter one

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Hate Is A...
by heatrless_