Before Euphoria, Th...
By Scarletguard
  • Teen Fiction
  • adventure
  • fantasy
  • growth
  • highschool
  • lachowski
  • love
  • mystery
  • pain
  • romance
  • teen


Previously known as 'My next-door neighbour.' Euphoria is a state of well being or excitement. Dawn is the brink of daylight. In life, before we have achieved our satisfaction, happiness, and overcome our pain, we must go through our darkest times. We must hover in the middle before we can finally settle. Tess and Josh are the perfect examples of the not so basic life of teens who have to overcome their dawn before reaching euphoria. ~^~^~^~^~^~ "Hey, you," he whispered. "Hey to you too, raccoon boy," I whispered back. "Is this nickname going to become a thing?" "You bet it is. You call me Sunshine, so I'll call you raccoon boy." He shook his head and I laughed. "What am I going to do with you?" I placed my paintbrush down and stared into his intense green eyes. "You're going to get me a burger because I'm starving." He gave me the 'Are you serious look,' and I giggled. I shooed him away with my hands, and he sighed. "I'll go get the burger," he mumbled. ~^~^~^~^~^~ All rights reserved. It's my book, and you know it's wrong to copy it, so don't do it. But if you do, I will hunt you. And I will give you an essential lecture about plagiarism. Cover made by @Izzy101xy

Lets clear things up

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Before Eu...
by Scarletguard