Strip Tease
By jjudd1
  • Romance
  • action
  • bondage
  • handcuffs
  • sexual


"I'd really like to make love to you, Angela, but I don't want to pressure you in to it because I know you aren't ready for that yet," my heart was pounding at the change of subject and I stood from the table, ready to make another run for the bathroom. He stood too. "Angela, I don't want to scare you and I really don't want you to be afraid of me but I want to be open with my feelings for you. I want you like I've never wanted any other woman in my life and it's not just about the sex, I want to hold you, and wake up next to you in the morning. I want to be with you everyday for the rest of my life," I was starting to feel like I might pass out. The room was closing in and he was walking towards me.

Erotic Strip Tease

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Strip Tea...
by jjudd1