New daw...
By sophielovesturtles24
  • Non-Fiction


This book is going to be about different problems a teenager may go through. I am not saying All teenagers will go through all of these problems but if you do feel that you have any of these problems then a good idea is to talk to someone about it. It really does help. A teacher. A friend. Your mum. Your dad. Siblings. Anyone you feel that you can trust. And people may judge you but it must only mean that you are higher than them. This book is very personal to my heart and can get incredibly personal but if it even helps one person reading this then its worth it. I do not want any hate for this book as I am trying to raise awareness for these problems that lots of people get through and reach the other side. This is NOT a self help book. Far from it. It is simply for people who may be going through these problems know that they are not alone. One of the worst things people think is that they're alone. If you don't like this book than please do not read it. Simple. However if you do like it and you want a certain topic to be spoken about, then I will research it and try to understand. This book is both based on experience, facts and research. Please seek help if you are feeling at all like this. I am also not saying I have been through all of these problems.


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New life...
by sophielovesturtles24