By TammySilverman
  • Poetry


"Undeniable" A dull vacant shell lays strewn on the shore, Spent of its life force, it's wanted no more. Cast out by a traitor - the cold heartless Sea, Which battered and bashed it and knocked its guts free. Then turned a false tide and raged up with foam, And spat out the shell from where it called Home. But true to its nature, the Sea quit not there (for Nature had dealt it no mercy to spare), But swelled with a vengeance that raged like a beast, To persist in its torment – twice daily, at least. And the shell, which lay helpless, with no way to flee, Prayed for a miracle, somehow to get free. When finally Heaven sent forth at last, A Great Gust of wind, which lifted it past, And up and away from the Sea's hateful grasp. And so, now the shell finally slept - Forgotten, discarded, but not quite yet dead. For beneath all the layers of salt, dirt and grime, Still glimmered its beauty – frozen in time. And still, past its surface, way deep in its core, Lay wonders and mysteries and treasures and more. Most passersby would not notice it there, As the Sea's constant torture had stripped it quite bare. But the shell, by its nature, continued to glisten, Certain that one day, the right ear would listen. - tls 2008


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by TammySilverman