A letter to the onl...
By raychell
  • Romance


You were my first love. I honestly never did anything behind your back. I loved you with every part of me. But today, I no longer love you. I no longer feel the same I once did. It took 5 years but I am ready to let go of you. I am ready to forgive you. I can’t keep going on like this anymore. Previous relationship failed because of my ways. Things that could have been avoided if I would have not kept all of this bottled up. I want to smile again and feel happiness. I want to laugh again and not be thinking in the back of my head that its wrong to be happy. I want to feel again. And I am ready to love someone else besides you. I am ready to give someone every single piece of greatness that’s in my body. I am ready…after 5 years I am ready to move on and forgive you.

A letter to Him

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A letter...
by raychell