She Was Beyond Fixi...
By ElannaMarie
  • Teen Fiction
  • badboy
  • fiction
  • friendship
  • hardship
  • humor
  • romance


Kat Silver has a past that she hates. She lives with her evil foster mother but gets kicked out one day, leaving her homeless once again. However, she had already met the bad boy Jason Black. Jason is a player. Doesn't stay in a relationship and loves to just have fun. But he starts to feel things with Kat that he has never felt before. But when she tells him what happened and what she has done in her life, will he still care enough to stay by her side? Kat has to learn to let other people in and help her or else she may never lead a normal life. Can Jason fix her and will he care enough? Or is Kat beyond fixing and just too scared to let anyone in?

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She Was B...
by ElannaMarie